There are teachers with twenty years of experience and there are teachers with one year of experience 20 times.
Everyone wants to be a good teacher, but very few can make it. If your aim is to enjoy teaching and help low-achieving students. Here, at The Lingwist, we provide seven best ideas to follow:
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Before going to school, successful teachers bear in mind that what they do can be both tiring and amusing. All difficulties and problems in classrooms should be seen as challenges and not as nerve-racking.
2. Knowing the subject matter
Good teachers know their subject matter well. They are prepared with a variety of real examples that bring lessons to life. Students trust teachers with great knowledge. However, knowing the subject matter is not enough without mastering the teaching skills.
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3. Mastering teaching skills
No matter how much theoretical knowledge teachers possess about the subject matter, it will be less effective if you don’t easily communicate it to your students. Praxis really requires some teaching skills like communicating ideas effectively, handling disruptive students, and maintaining a positive atmosphere for learning.
4. Managing the Classroom
Many teachers, who already had the dream of being teachers, quit because of classroom problems and pressure. The classroom is not a space where they expect mature learners. That’s why the teacher has to acquire some features like self-knowledge, self-regulation quick and efficient decision making, reflection, and finally application of education research.
5. Motivating Students
The best way to motivate students to learn is by building a strong relationship with students. Students are likely to love the subject because of the positive traits of the teacher like fun, humor, and using music. Because of their love of their teacher, they will be motivated to learn no matter how the subject matter is. Authoritarian teachers fail to raise motivation no matter how much knowledge or experience they have.
6. Taking into account learning styles
Many researchers and thinkers, like Gardener, believe that all people do not have the same intelligence. There are 8 bits of intelligence. Thus the teacher has to take into account these differences and accepts the different learning styles and not impose one.
7. Believing that teaching is both an art and science
“Born to be a teacher” is true but not enough. The best teacher is the one who combines research with art. Attending conferences and friend’s classes, or reading the latest studies about teaching techniques and methods will perfectly help teachers improve their teaching skills.
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